A New Vision For Public Safety
Transforming Public Safety Through Community Development
The Transforming Safety project supports community development through small business loan and grant programs. The project uses a new safety framework that focuses on preventing crime in the first place by:
- Focusing on economic and community development in specific neighborhoods more impacted by crime and justice system involvement
- Empowering local community members to identify priorities and solutions
- Providing funding to the community
- Using a private sector approach that braids both for-profit and non-profit strengths
Learn more about the Transforming Safety project, a community development approach to public safety in the pilot communities of North Aurora and Southeast Colorado Springs.

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The loan program, managed by a local Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI), will expand small business lending in the target communities of North Aurora and Southeast Colorado Springs. Small business loans are limited to 5 years and $50,000.
Coming soon: Information for the new communities of Grand Junction and Trinidad.

The Transforming Safety grant program awards grants based on the crime prevention priorities identified by each local planning team. Grant information is available for North Aurora, Southeast Colorado Springs, and Grand Junction.

Through an open application process, local planning teams were selected for North Aurora, Southeast Colorado Springs, and Grand Junction. Each planning team is responsible for determining their community’s crime prevention priorities for the grant program.